Our vision

Many people live in misery or have to flee for various reasons: War, climate change, famine, ailing economy, torture or genocide. We want to reach out to these people and offer new hope in the form of a village. This village can be in their home country (preventive) or in a recipient nation (curative). The core components of the village should be: Safe accommodation, solid education, a health care center, and decently paid work. The houses are to be self-sufficient, using solar panels and high-performance batteries. The spring water is to be purified with the latest technology and used with due and proper care. Recycling and waste separation should become part of the residents' lives. On the basis of the permaculture principle, natural agriculture is to be practiced, which enables people to live on a healthy diet and which cares for and protects the natural environment. Thousands of RFN villages are to be created worldwide to create a just and fair flourishing world community without any exploitation.